We at Khoé believe “self-love” is the best accessory to make us shine. But what is “self-love”?
Social media has become an inevitable part of our life. Being under the spotlight could be a dilemma sometimes. Do we create social media content that shows only the pretty side of life or we should stay true to ourselves? It might be a constant struggle to fight the fear of not being accepted when we show who we really are.
Many might choose to show only the “polished and pretty” part of them. Ashley Weller, a well-established influencer on the Southern U.S. lifestyle, has pursued the “authentic and real” path. She shows the most honest part of herself. This complete acceptance of oneself is a showcase of self-love.
When you scroll through Ashley’s “Southern Lifestyle” IG profile, you will see a positive lady sharing her life without any hold back. Ashley Weller’s chic lifestyle influences every southernite’s home, décor, fashion food, beauty and travel – more importantly, let us feel the authentic “Southern Lifestyle” in the States.

Tune in to read our conversation with Ashley for her 8-year influencer journey promoting the local culture in an authentic way!
Khoé: Could you tell us a little bit about yourself? How did you get started?
Ashley Weller: I am a Southern girl that has lived in Texas my whole life. Hence, I love everything about the South, the people and hospitality, the incredible food, the summer nights sitting outside for hours and talking and the importance of family and friends. I began social influencing over eight years ago and I love it.
Moreover, I did not start my page with the intentions of it ever blowing up or inspiring women like it does. I just started it as a digital photo gallery for myself and my family. So, when it began growing, I needed help right away. All I had to do was reach out to a few local, larger bloggers and they taught me all of the “tricks of the trade.” In the South, we are a community, not a competition and I love that. People willing to help people is so important.
“I love meeting new people, inspiring women to be their best and helping brands connect to a new customer base!”
Khoé: We know you are a Dallas-based southern-style lover and we could feel the positive vibes from your IG. In your opinion, what makes the southern-style unique and what is your passion behind your IG?
Ashley Weller: I believe what makes the Southern-style so unique is that it is all-inclusive. It is an open door to anyone and everyone who wants a seat at the table. It is a happy and confident vibe and is always fun and uplifting. You will never come to my page and leave feeling anything but inspired and that is my goal. My passion behind my Instagram is to show that anyone can do this and that you can inspire people through it. It may be just a feel-good feeling when they walk away or it may be an incredible idea that someone gets based on what they read. My page is very authentic and real, you always know that I am honest. And I do not really hold anything back, another southern thing!
“My passion behind my Instagram is to show that anyone can do this and that you can inspire people through it.”
Khoé: If you had to share one inspiring life experience of yours living in Dallas / the south, what would that be?
Ashley Weller: Through an inspiring experience, the greatest feeling I had was learning that social media can positively inspire other people. Also, I love that I can help businesses big or small, grow. And that I can develop real and meaningful relationships through this crazy place we call social media!
“I believe that you should always be willing to help others because when they grow, you grow too.”
Khoé: How is your experience with jewellery? What is your favourite Khoé piece and why?
Ashley Weller: I love jewellery, but it has to be simple and elegant. I do not like anything too overpowering. Also, I believe that simple can also be a “statement piece”. I go back and forth between gold and silver, or white gold. And right now, I am loving mixing the two. I do not think that there is any wrong way to wear jewellery. If you love it and you feel confident and good wearing it, then that is all that matters.
“My favourite Khoé piece is the 18K “Love” diamond necklace because I love the simplicity of it but it also has a little sparkle!”

Want to be as influential as Ashley and spread love? Get her favourite Love diamond necklace from HERE